Thursday, December 22, 2005

Flock-to-Gmail inline image trick

Here's how you can embed an inline JPEG image into an email message in Gmail.
Gmail supports inline images, but they just don't give you any way of inserting one! You have to get some other application to do it, then drag-n-drop into a Gmail message body. Flock is just the app to set it up.

First, get and install Flock. It's free. It's not version 1.0 yet, it has many bugs, but it is usable.

Second, set up a Flickr account. It's free. Post your image on Flickr, and enable it for public viewing.

Third, open a web browser window and go to your Gmail account. Click "Compose Mail" to start a new message. Type a few words on a few lines to start with.

Fourth, bring up Flock and click the feather-pen icon, as if you're entering a web log entry. If you don't have any weblog system set up yet, don't worry, you don't need one for this (click "cancel" if a dialog box asks you to log in to one). click the "topbar" icon, and choose "Flickr topbar". Enter your username in there, so it finds your image.

Now drag and drop that image into the body of your Flock web log entry area.

Lastly, select that image in the flock web log entry area, and drag-n-drop it into your Gmail window's message body! The image magically appears there!

This doesn't seem to work very well for large images, because Flickr has a file size limit (not to mention a bandwidth limit).

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Blogger Harrison said...

It's much easier to just make a blog post on and then select what you want, and drag-and-drop it into your gmail message. You can do this with whatever browser you already have.

11:49 PM  
Blogger Marjan Jeffry said...

sorry.. I've move my cut and paste howto to here

9:23 AM  
Blogger Tom Schreiber said...

i must agree. it could be further simplified as just saying...

"drag any image that is on the web into your compose window in gmail."

this works in firefox on the mac which is what i used.

hope this helps someone and saves some time. cheers! -tom

10:36 AM  
Blogger tc said...

Thank you for the suggestion. It works!

Always a miracle in my case....

I couldn't figure out how to 'wrap' text around a picture, but at least the pics were in the body of the e-mail.

I wonder why gmail doesn't support HTML - (if indeed that's the only way to cut & paste pictures in an e-mail)

9:27 PM  
Blogger LesleySue said...

Genius! Thanks so much for your help!

11:56 AM  
Blogger Annette said...

Well, there's another more straightforward way of doing it:

Have your picture open anywhere on the web, and just click and drag until the picture is selected. It'll be darker/lighter in color. Right Click -> Copy and in your Compose Mail, CTRL+V to paste. Wala! The recipient has to turn on "Display Images Below" though.

3:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Annette led me to yet a simpler method. In Explorer, open Flickr, open image you wish to transfer, click and drag to highlight image, click and drag to gmail letter that you have started to compose.

5:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

thanks :)

2:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Here's another method that has its own complexity but does not require a web-based image:- Use IMAP to link Gmail with a mail client; open a new message in that client; insert the image into the draft inline; save the draft; move the draft into the Gmail draft folder. Then you can edit and send the message through Gmail in the usual way.

2:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Another way... copy and paste. Select the stuff on the page you want to copy, then paste into Gmail.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

None of those other drag n drop methods work. The Flock way is the ONLY way that works everytime. And it's simple. Thanks loads Paulio - you really helped me out.

1:01 PM  
Blogger RookStar said...

Gmail has a button right up there with the rest of the functions like bold, align, etc. that says "insert image" when you hover over it.

Why in the world don't you know that when you know all this other esoteric crap?

12:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

@Rook - maybe that button works properly these days but do check it out before making comments like that.

Way back when most of these comments were made GMail would apparently insert an image which looked fine while you edited the message then, on save or send it would remove the image from being inline.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Tawheed Joolfoo said...

Yeah, talk abt roundabout way! But hell it works.

3:24 AM  

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